Galvanized JUMBO Mining Mesh – Introduction
G.E.E – Manufactures & Supplies Welded Jumbo Blast on Mining Mesh to be used for permanent surface coverage in any excavation in underground mining operations. The mesh can be installed together with Roof bolts or Splitsets, or any other support in conjunction with Combination Washers & Osro Straps to protect the excavation and to prevent Falls of Ground (loose rocks) between installed support. This further improves safety underground for mining crews and provides protection to underground machinery and equipment. Jumbo Mining Mesh can be overlapped (20cm) to provide continuous surface coverage of the total excavation.
All mesh supplied by GEE is produced according to strict set (ISO) quality standards to ensure the product meets the underground mining safety specification requirements.
Sizes ranges from 1M up to 4.5M in Length and 1m up to a limit of 2.4m in Width.
Wire Gauge: 5.6mm and 4mm
GEE Combination Jumbo (Blast On) Mesh also available with 5.6mm Diameter Main Wire together with 4mm Diameter Cross Wires. Cost saving option.
Galvanised and non-galvanised.